I have some bittersweet news to share with you today: I will be stepping down as Pastor of St. Andrew’s on July 1. As many of you know I have a 2nd job directing the Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese; it has grown exponentially into a more than full-time job over the last 3 years. As our wonderful staff here has known for a long time, I have not been able to give proper attention to being pastor of Saint Andrew’s. Because of my years of work and specialized training in the Formation of candidates for ordination, Cardinal Tobin has agreed it would be best for me to work exclusively in that area. As you know, I came to St. Andrew’s at a very unsettled time, with the goal of bringing some stability and calm. Within weeks of arriving, we were confronted with Covid. I am happy that we never missed a day of offering Mass online and later in person, and usually had the Church open for Adoration indoors and Confession outdoors. The goal was to bring some calm in those days … but perhaps now it would be good to stir things up a little! I believe a younger pastor who can devote 100% of his time to St Andrew’s will be a gift at this moment in the parish’s journey. We have many challenges, but we have also seen modest gains in participation in the parish at Masses and beyond. We have an excellent parochial vicar, wonderful deacons and a terrific staff! We have a premier Family Based Religious Education program and a superb Youth Ministry program which has brought lots of enthusiasm to our teens and excellent ministries and outreach to those in need. With your renewed and deepening commitment, I believe St Andrew’s can have a very exciting future in this next phase. I’ll have more to say in the weeks ahead, but for now, just to thank you for your many kindnesses to me over these last four years. Thank you and God bless you!
You are joyfully invited to the Advent concert on Sunday, December 10 at 3:30 pm. All choirs will participate in the concert: English, Spanish and Children’s. We’ll see you there!
Give yourself the time to reflect on this joyful season and experience how God is molding and shaping us to be more alert to His presence in the world. Tuesday Mornings 10:30 am – 12:00 pm or Tuesday Evenings 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm Dates: Nov. 28, Dec. 5, Dec. 12, Dec. 19 Light refreshments Please call Viola to register at 201-666-5697
We are looking for parishioners to serve on a new Facilities & Grounds Committee to assess all of our parish buildings, facilities, and grounds, and to propose and prioritize projects and improvements. If you have an interest and perhaps experience in this area, please email Fr Joe or Jim Kenny and click this post for more info.
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In the last year, the Archdiocese has blessed us with a new pastor, a new parochial vicar, a new deacon, and financial support. This is our chance to help the Archdiocese.
We are asking all who are physically attending Mass to complete this quick form. Information collected will help "Fast Pass" parishioners through checking in at Mass.
We are so happy to welcome Father Diego Arce to the St. Andrew's Parish Community! Father Diego has been assigned to St. Andrew's by Cardinal Tobin to serve as our Parochial Vicar as of September 1, 2020.