All children who have received the Sacrament of First Eucharist are welcome to be trained as altar servers. This ministry requires the child to attend one training session offered during the year. They serve at the liturgy that you attend most often. If your child is interested in becoming an altar server please call the parish office or speak to a member of the clergy after Mass!
Eucharistic Ministers serve at the Lord's table. One of the most special privileges to Catholics is serving as a Eucharistic Minister. We invite any confirmed parishioner to distribute the Body and Bood of Christ as a minister at our Sunday and daily Liturgy. Serving the homebound is also part of this ministry. All needed training is provided here at St. Andrew's.
We always welcome new members to be part of our Sunday Liturgy in a special way. A good reading voice- a sincere belief in what you are reading- is what is required to serve our community as a lector at our liturgical celebrations. A special invitation to serve is extended to all. A training program is provided.
The Liturgy Committee gathers to plan and prepare for the enrichment of our parish liturgy. As a team, they evaluate the quality of our parish liturgies and help with the preparation of special liturgies. The committee also maintains the liturgical environment in the church and chapel year-round.
This committee is also involved in decorating our worship space seasonally. The committee decorates the parish by hanging wreaths on the doors, setting up the creche during Advent, hanging holiday garland, and changing the banners on the cross to celebrate our Liturgical seasons.
Our choir members take part in every weekend liturgy, as well as other liturgical celebrations throughout the year. We celebrate Advent with a concert for the parish and have produced professional and original recordings. We are proud of our members who continue to write original works, as well as those who add other musical talents, both vocal and instrumental.
We meet each Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm in the church and welcome you to join us. If interested please introduce yourself at Mass. We have several opportunities for you to be involved. All are welcome.
Ushers are the first people who are seen by parishioners each Sunday. They help to build the spirit of Christian fellowship by greeting and seating parishioners. Ushers assist with the collection, the offertory gifts, and the bulletin distribution. Ushers are ministers of hospitality to all who attend the services and will assist with any special needs. We are always in need of parishioners to help in this ministry.
The Church of St. Andrew's participates in the Westwood Clergy Council. Throughout the year we share prayer services and participate in special holiday celebrations hosted by one of the churches in Westwood. Each year member churches take part in a Good Friday "Walk of Faith."