Through the work of our Parish Pastoral Council and our Parish Finance Council, we see that it would be a great help to form a Facilities & Grounds Committee which would: a) create an inventory and estimate of the useful life of our buildings assets (both inside and outside, from buildings to roofs, from water heaters to HVAC, from retaining walls to parking lots) - to assess their condition, their likely lifespan, and where repairs, replacements or improvements are needed or will be needed; and b) to propose ideas areas for potential improvements to our buildings and facilities. While some of the needs are well-known to us, it is desirable to have an organized assessment and then to be able to prioritize what is needed and what will be needed going forward. Do you have an interest and perhaps experience in this area? If so, you could help to make a meaningful difference in the care and management of St. Andrews physical plant. Please contact Fr Joe or Jim Kenny. Thank you!